Become a Cascade Ride Leader


Cascade is always looking for new ride leaders. Our 280+ ride leaders are the heart of the Cascade free group rides and free ride series programs. They posted more than 2000 rides in 2013, and we hope for even more this year. Being a ride leader means you get to choose the route and pace as well as the day and time, and you get to frame the ride to attract the kind of rider community you want to serve.  

The entry requirements are simple. You must be a current Cascade member and you must have participated in at least five Cascade free group rides or CTS rides. If you meet those criteria, you have already taken the first step. Next, you must attend one of our monthly ride leader certification classes. And finally, you must complete two Cascade free rides with a ride leader mentor.  

Once you're a ride leader you can publish rides on the Cascade calendar. If you want help with the early steps, we have experienced ride leader coaches to help you choose routes and get them onto the web. And along with the pleasure of leading riders to the places you love to cycle, you will earn ride leader garments and free entry to Cascade events like Bike Expo, Chilly Hilly, Flying Wheels, STP, RSVP, and all the other big rides on the calendar.  

Interested? Visit for more information, or email  

Dates for 2014 classes are:  

June 10 at the Cascade offices, Magnuson Park 
July 10 at the Cascade offices, Magnuson Park 

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