Volunteer for the 10th annual Washington Bike and Pedestrian Count


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Each year hundreds of volunteers across the state head to the streets with chairs and clipboards in tow to take part in the annual Bicycle and Pedestrian Count. But why do we collect this data? The Washington State Bike and Pedestrian Documentation Project helps us benchmark the numbers of people bicycling and walking on trails, bike lanes, sidewalks and streets across the state. The data  is used by planners and bicycle/pedestrian professionals to track use and changes, design projects, and to measure how many people walk and bike across the state. Bicycle and pedestrian data also helps better inform state policy decisions around non-motorized transportation. This means that the data is used to help make Washington State more bicycle and pedestrian friendly! To take a look at some of this data, visit the data portal.

This year will be the 10th annual count, and we need your help to make it the biggest and most successful count yet! The count will be taking place on September 26, 27 and 28. Volunteers can choose the date they would like to participate and either a morning (7am-9am) or evening (4pm-6pm) time slot. Visit WSDOT for more information.

We hope to see you out there!

Register to Volunteer

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