Bike-friendly Jimmy


Bike-friendly Jimmy

by Bill Hurley, Dexter Avenue commuter

It was a great summer for commuting, and those of us who ride the Dexter highway into downtown in the mornings have been greeted every day with a wave, a nod, and sometimes a “Have a nice day” from Jimmy, pictured above in his usual outfit and holding that all-too familiar sign.

I finally had to stop and talk to this friendly hard-hatted guy, as I appreciated the gesture each morning as I pedaled past. He told me he has a philosophy that acknowledging other humans and passing on a little positive thought can really improve attitudes, and one’s perspective on the day. I think he is right! He has actually paid enough real attention over the summer that he recognizes us individually now, and probably appreciates the return nod or thumbs-up from us as well. He has been out there every day! He noted that even the grumpy cyclists that were first frustrated with having to ride through the construction zone, and didn’t particularly like seeing him (or the other side of the sign which says “Stop”), have come around with improved attitudes. 

One of the great things about being on a bicycle is the ease of connecting with others who are out there.

Thanks Jimmy, your good cheer and friendly attitude has really been appreciated.

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