Take 10, today is World Recess Day


Today is Worldwide Recess Day, a time to revisit your grade school days and jump out of your chair and take (at least) 10 minutes to play.

The brainchild of the Portland-based outdoor footwear manufacturer, KEEN, Inc., the second annual Worldwide Recess Day is an attempt to improve employee health and well-being by incorporating an active break into each workday – 10 minutes of their day to get outside and get moving.

"We see Recess as a great way to get people to unplug and get active. Taking just a few minutes out of the day to play can help people build happier lives with fun and healthy habits," said Linda Balfour, KEEN's Recess Officer, in a recent Sacramento Bee article.

KEEN’s Recess is Back campaign is supported by the research of UCLA's Dr. Toni Yancey, which has proven that adults who take at least 10 minutes of daily recess are happier, have lower stress levels and are able to maintain a healthier work-life balance.

Here at Cascade Bicycle Club we strongly belief in the importance of leading an active lifestyle and making time for play breaks.

On Wednesday, Cascade staff made an outing to Duthie Hill Park to do some mountain biking under tutelage of the amazing Kat Sweet.


Cascade staff at Duthie Hill Park

We spent almost a full day in the dirt, learning new mountain bike skills, riding our bikes and enjoying some of the great outdoors the Pacific Northwest has to offer.

How are you spending your recess?

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