Ultraskater completes third RSVP


It was still dark outside and the RSVP 2 start line hadn’t even opened yet but James Peters was all set to head out on his third Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party event. Carrying nothing but a small camelback and his skateboard, Peters said this was the most minimalist way he has travelled yet.


Peters, 44, has completed six Seattle-to-Portland Classics and now, three RSVP events and all of them on a skateboard.

“Skateboarding is what I do,” Peters said. “I’m a big advocate for transportation by skateboard.”

Peters, a software quality assurance manager, said he skates to work and would like to see skateboarding become recognized as a legitimate form of transportation.

“Police in Seattle are tolerant but there are other cities like Portland where there are actual laws in place that allow skateboarding on roads,” Peters said. “I’d like to see that here. So many kids already want to go out and skateboard. It ‘s a great to get off the couch and get out and use alternative transportation.”

In the meantime, Peters will continue to lead by example, using his skateboard as his main mode of transportation and recreation.  He not only helped pioneer long-distance skateboarding back in 1999, he's also in the Guinness World Records book for farthest distance traveled by skateboard in a 24-hour-period.

Want to know more? Follow Peters on twitter at @pavedwave.

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