Bicycling Forever


Now available at your local post office are these Bicycling Forever® stamps.


Rendered in graphic retro fashion, these stamps celebrate "the American love of bicycling, one of the most popular outdoor activities in the country", according to the U.S. Postal Service.

The stamps are designed by art director Phil Jordan using illustrations by San Francisco illustrator John Mattos. Each of the four stamps in the series features a different kind of bike and cyclist: a young child learning to ride, a commuter pedaling to work, a road racer intent on the finish line, and an airborne BMX rider.

With the stamps, the U.S. Postal Service wants you to remember the joys of learning to ride, and celebrate bicycling as a healthy, affordable, and eco-friendly means of transportation.

From the U.S.Postal Service:

Remember the day you learned to ride a bike? That exhilarating sense of freedom is one you never forget and can easily recapture every time you hop on a bike. Perhaps that's why millions of Americans young and old enjoy bicycling so much.

But bicycling isn't just fun. It's also good for the environment and for you. Each ride you take cuts down on traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and vehicle emissions. And riding a bike lowers the risk of obesity, heart disease, and breast cancer, while reducing stress and improving muscle tone and strength.

So climb on!

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