To change or not to change

Oh, dear.

It's a conundrum faced frequently by any intrepid Seattle bicyclist: the choice between wet jeans and awkwardness.

Let me explain.

You push open the door to a bar. It can be any bar, but let's say it's in Belltown, and let's say it's loud and packed full of folks in business casual, sipping from martini glasses. Your glasses fog up in the heat of the place, and the rainwater runs from your jacket, forming a puddle on the floor. The host's wide smile does little to hide his disdain as he regards the puddle, the mud-splattered panniers, the bright yellow jacket.

And yes, that's me, there at the entrance, asking where I might find a restroom in which to slip into something, er, a little more comfortable.

There has to be another way, and I'm looking for answers. I've seen an umbrella bike mount, rain "legs" that strap over your jeans, and ponchos made for biking. I'm the proud owner of a Shower's Pass Portland Jacket, and while I love it, it's insufficient in a downpour.

So I'm wondering: What's your favorite low-profile bicycling accessory for rainy days? How do you handle this problem?

Alternatively... anyone have a favorite bike-friendly watering hole?

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