Litigation against Seattle Bicycle Master Plan withdrawn; New Westlake Advisory Committee to be created


“A huge valentine goes out to Mayor Murray and his staff for making today a great day for bicycling in Seattle,” said Elizabeth Kiker, Executive Director of the Cascade Bicycle Club. “The dark cloud of the over dozens of important bikeway projects across the city has lifted, and now the Seattle City Council can adopt the nation’s best bicycle master plan.”

Today, the Westlake Stakeholders Group withdrew their appeal of the "determination of non-significance" to the environmental review of the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan Update. In addition, Mayor Ed Murray announced the creation of a special "Westlake Cycle Track Design Advisory Committee."

The withdrawal of the appeal means that the current on-going design process for the Westlake Protected Bike Lane will proceed without the simultaneous ligation of the Bicycle Master Plan Update.

For full news coverage of today's events, read the Seattle Bike Blog's article.

“Cascade is excited to work with the Westlake Stakeholders Group, businesses, neighbors and our members to move forward on a shared vision of creating a protected bike lane through the Westlake Corridor,” said Thomas Goldstein, Policy Director for Cascade.

More people in Seattle are switching to bicycling than any other mode. It's easy to see why: bicycling makes us healthier and happier. That's why it's so important that our infrastructure keep pace to ensure bicycling can become an even safer way to get around.

“Westlake is the number-one most desired bikeway project in the city right now,” said Brock Howell, Policy & Government Affairs Manager for Cascade. “We’re thrilled to have all parties back at the design table, ready to move forward. Let’s get it built.”

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