Congratulations to the APBP Young Professional of the Year: Tessa Greegor


Hello again from Pro Walk/Pro Bike. I just want to take this moment to recognize and honor our national award-winning Principal Planner, Tessa Greegor. I just got back from the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) annual meeting and lunch, where Tessa was honored with the "Young Professional of the Year Award".


Our Principal Planner, Tessa Greegor (center), and the other APBP award winners at the annual lunch and awards ceremony.

From the award ceremony: Tessa Greegor has worked tirelessly, professionally, and quietly to make significant bicycle and pedestrian planning advances across the Greater Puget Sound Region. Her bold vision and unstoppable work ethic are already legendary. As lead for the Cascade Bicycle Club's CDC-funded Communities Putting Prevention to Work project Tessa worked three large manuals (Complete Streets Guide, Multi-Modal Level of Service Guide, and Quantifying and Prioritizing Non-Motorized Transportation Investments) and trained city staff from six jurisdictions. Four cities have since passed Complete Streets Ordinances.

In my two years of working with Tessa, she has been nothing short of inspirational, professional, and dedicated to the bicycling movement. It has been an honor working alongside her as we continue to create positive change in communities across the Puget Sound Region. Go Tessa!


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